
We used to take Eurotunnel crossings for granted, hopping across the channel ten times a year. It's now Easter and it's the first time we'll have been to France since last summer. Just like last July, I didn't really believe we were going until we were through border control. They only asked for our passports this time - we'd uploaded our NHS Covid passes to our Advance Passenger Information on our tunnel booking - so it seemed just like simpler times before a worldwide pandemic brought everything to a standstill. We are having to fit our France trip around a family holiday to Wales which left us five nights at the end of the Easter holiday fortnight. Therefore we decided not to venture too far. Just 2 hours 45 minutes from Calais is our campsite home for the next five nights. Called 'The Cliffs' because it's perched on top of them, it's a new acquisition for the Huttopia chain we often camp with. This will be our 18th Huttopia site and our 24th H...