Best Deal Camping Card better than ACSI

There's a better option for saving on campsite fees and that's the Best Deal Camping Card.

While booking a campsite in Germany this week their booking form asked if I had a discount card and in the drop-down menu, alongside the usual ACSI card, I noticed something called the Best Deal Camping Card.
Before I completed the booking I opened a new browser window to investigate and found I could sign up for free and have use of the card immediately in my email inbox.

There's an app you can download showing the 500 sites across Europe at which the card is valid and the app doubles as the card to show at the site reception (or print the card that was emailed to you).

Benefits over the ACSI card seem to be that no annual fee is payable, you don't have to wait to receive your card in the post, it's not restricted to off-season camping and it guarantees you electric hookup and no additional charges for showers or an awning.

Checking in at our German campsite we paid the 'card rate' that would have been charged to an ACSI card holder, saving €40 on our eight night stay.

I believe there might be a greater number of sites taking part in the ACSI scheme but the absence of a card fee and ability to use the card in the summer months outweigh that for me. I'll be a long time crossing 500 sites off my list!

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