Sandwich toaster

Easy campsite meals or cheat's camping? We have never done so before but we brought the sandwich toaster with us to France for easy breakfasts. You can't light fires here and I don't like traveling with gas cylinders, so whatever we cook is going to be heated via electricity, so I thought I'd see how we got on...

It's been a triumph. Tasty breakfasts and one midday snack prepared and cooked in ten minutes with minimal washing up.
As we were eating our way through a 1.8kg catering-sized tin of SPAM at the beginning of the holiday, the first three breakfasts were SPAM and cheese. Very tasty. 

I dreamed up goats cheese and plum for the fourth day and that was gorgeous, though a squeeze of honey might have taken it to the next level.

We decided to use some of our traveling larder for day five and I made sardine and gherkin toasties. This seemed like an amalgamation of British sardines on toast and Scandinavian cold fish and pickles. These will definitely be made again.
From our lentil and bacon dinner we kept a little back. With the addition of cumin, turmeric and mustard, day six's breakfast toasties were reminiscent of an Indian samosa. If I were making them again at home, and I will, I'll add a few peas, beans and a little chopped onion.

Feeling peckish at lunchtime one day I gambled on a corned beef and onion concoction. This was incredible - it tasted like a Cornish pasty. We had the same again for breakfast the next day.

I'm going to say I've determined it wasn't cheating. We cooked proper meals each evening using pots, pans and utensils. But each morning's new toastie experiment remained the day's culinary triumph.


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