Waiting. Shopping.

Some of our VanStuff
We've ordered the van and paid a deposit. That's huge! It means we're getting a campervan. But there's around a four-month wait for it to be built in Germany.

After waiting for so many years to do this, four more months seems like forever. We've begun filling the time by shopping for it!

There were four basic options for the colour of our van and I didn't like the paid options so much to persuade me it was worth the extra money. So we chose sunny yellow. The sales rep. said nobody ever orders it in yellow - this makes me feel I'm getting something unique and I love our choice even more. I also love that yellow seems to be an 'in' colour this season because it's making shopping for accessories easy.

Yesterday a trip to IKEA and John Lewis netted the haul pictured here. My favourite pieces are the Orla Kiely items. They'll compliment the colour of our van and add a little bit of retro to our modern day campervan.


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